Smith Machine | Life sport

Basic designs
The Smith machine life sport has two basic versions of the design. The traditional version has a straight vertical path of movement. The other version is the angled version, which is usually set at a 7-10 degree incline. The thinking is that this allows a more natural movement that follows your own movement track. Choosing between the two versions is a matter of personal preference.

Basic Vertical Smith Machine with Plate Storage
All commercial quality Smith machines should have these design features:

Linear bearings: Essential for easy movement. Nothing compares to the smoothness of linear bearings.
Counterbalanced: A counterbalanced Olympic Bar enables the use of a lower-weight bar, which results in the ability of a broader range of clientele to use the machine.
Safety stops: These are critical for an absolute safety mechanism, which will allow members to push to near-failure limits.
Range of Travel: Don’t let a short Smith Machine cramp your training style.
Plate storage: Keep your Olympic Plates close by for convenience and off the floor.
Construction: A Smith machine that weighs less than 500 pounds probably can’t endure the pounding that a commercial facility will provide.